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Senin, 24 November 2014

Product Kartu As

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning guys, we are from group two, I’m Silmi Kaffah, Dini Sintia, M. Vikri Ramdhani, M. Iqbal Solehudin. We will promote an advertisement. Keep silent and enjoy it.
Vikri : “Ouch…” (nudge pot)
Iqbal : “I gave one request.”
Vikri : “Mm.. I want my girlfriend here.”
Iqbal : “Accepted.” (snapping fingers)
Vikri : “Beb.”
Dini : “Bye beb.”
Vikri : “Please, don’t leave me.”
Dini : “What is hard to talk? Sms not ever, not ever call.”
Vikri : “(sigh) I don’t have credit.”
Dini : “Oh my god.” (fainting)
Silmi : “come on guys it is not a big problem, its just about credit take it easy.”
Iqbal : “So sad.”
Silmi : “ use Kartu As.
It is the cheapest card on earth, you can’t get the card like this, its free not          only one day.”
Iqbal : “one wek?”
Silmi : “No.”
Vikri : “One month?”
Silmi : “No, but one year.”
Vikri : “Woww.
              Dini I’ve got a credit.”
Dini : “Vikri.”

Cheap and the free Kartu As indeed make your self forget.
Just kartu As cheapness not complicated. Its very durable free.

Kartu As
For live
Thank you for your attention. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Group 2
Name :
Silmi Kaffah
Dini Sintia
M. Vikri Ramdhani
M. Iqbal Solehudin



Group 3
Name :
Riska Wulandari
Serafika Sekar
Rivaldo Setiawan
Wibi Aldira

2014 - 2015
Product Pocari Sweat

Hy guys, good morning?how are you today?we are from group three, my name Riska and my friends, Serafika,Rivaldo, and Wibi. We are standing here will promote the drink Pocari sweat. Do you want to see?ok please attention and enjoy it.

Wibi and serafika (dancing)
Music stop
Rivaldo : “thirsty..thirsty..who want to buy the drinks?”
Wibi : “sir we want to buy,buy a drink that can refresh the body.”
Rivaldo : “drink this Pocari sweat.”
Serafika : “are you sure?”
Rivaldo : “ just try it.”
Serafika : “mm.. good,what’s the difference woith other drinks?”
Riska : “fika…Pocari sweat can carries oxygen and food juices to our body,organization of body temperature is within the normal range and stable,mainting healt and skin moisture.
Rivaldo : “hey, you haven’t paid for the drink.”
Wibi : “I don’t have money…” (blured)
Rivaldo : “woyyy…. Are you crazy?”

It was our performance guys. Thank you,for your attention.


Terima Kasih telah membaca Catatan di atas,

★ yang Di buat : Pada hari ★ Senin, 24 November 2014 ★ Pukul : ☞ Dengan Judul : ★

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Semoga bermanfaat..(^_^)

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