Natural Disasters in Indonesia
Being located on the
Pacific Ring of Fire (an area with a lot of tectonic activity),
Indonesia has to cope with the constant risk of volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, floods and tsunamis. On several occasions during the last
15 years, Indonesia has made global headlines due to devastating natural
disasters that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human
and animal lives, plus having a destructive effect on the land area
(including infrastructure,
and thus resulting in economic costs). Extreme wet or dry seasons can
ruin food crop harvests, trigger inflation and put severe financial
pressure on the poorer segments of the Indonesian population.
Lastly, man-made natural disasters (such as forest fires brought on by
slash-and-burn culture) can have far-reaching environmental
One important note is that Indonesia's
notorious weak infrastructure - brought on by mismanagement, lack of
skills or corruption - in fact aggravates the resulting situation after a
natural disaster has made its impact felt, meaning that natural
disasters in Indonesia can cause more casualties and more damage than it
Volcano Eruptions in Indonesia
Indonesia is the country that contains
the most active volcanoes of all countries in the world. The Eurasian
Plate, Pacific Plate and Indo-Australian Plate are three active
tectonic plates that cause the subduction zones that form these
volcanoes. Indonesia is estimated to have 129 volcanoes, all carefully
observed by the Centre of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation
(Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi), because a number of Indonesian volcanoes show continuous activity.
There is at least one
significant volcano eruption in Indonesia every year. However, usually
it does not cause great damage to the environment or cause casualties as
most of the active volcanoes are located in isolated regions.
Some notable volcano eruptions in Indonesia's history are listed below:Volcano | Location | Date of Eruption | Casualties |
Merapi | Central Java | 03 November 2010 | 138 |
Kelut | East Java | 26 April 1966 | 212 |
Agung | Bali | 17 March 1963 | 1,148 |
Merapi | Central Java | 25 November 1930 | 1,369 |
Kelut | East Java | 19 May 1919 | 5,110 |
Awu | North Sulawesi | 07 June 1892 | 1,532 |
Krakatau | Sunda Strait | 26 August 1883 | 36,600 |
Galunggung | West Java | 08 October 1822 | 4,011 |
Tambora | Sumbawa | 10 April 1815 | 71,000+ |
Apart from taking human lives, a
volcanic eruption can result in considerable damage to the local
economies by hurting small and medium enterprises that are involved in
tourism, culinary, commercial accommodation, agriculture, plantation,
and livestock. A positive development is that volcano eruptions take
less human lives today due to better volcano observation methods in
combination with better organized emergency evacuations.
Earthquakes in Indonesia
Earthquakes are probably the biggest
threat regarding natural disasters in Indonesia as they come sudden and
can strike in populous areas, such as the bigger cities. Earthquakes
with a magnitude of around five or six on the scale of Richter happen
almost on a daily basis in Indonesia but usually cause no or little
damage. When the magnitude becomes over seven on the scale of Richter,
an earthquake can potentially do a lot of damage. Yearly, two or three
earthquakes with a magnitude of seven or higher occur in Indonesia and
cause casualties and damage the infrastructure or environment. Below is a
selected list with recent earthquakes that caused severe damage:
Location | Date | Magnitude | Casualties |
Sumatra | 25 October 2010 | 7.7 | 435 |
Sumatra | 30 September 2009 | 7.6 | 1,117 |
Java | 17 July 2006 | 7.7 | 730 |
Java | 26 May 2006 | 6.3 | 5,780 |
Sumatra | 28 March 2005 | 8.6 | 1,313 |
Sumatra | 26 December 2004 | 9.2 | 283,106 |
The high number of Indonesian casualties
is partly inflicted by the bad state of some housing facilities and
infrastructure. This is why a moderate earthquake can in fact result in
many casualties, the collapse of many buildings and the displacement of
many people. A World Bank publication (in October 2010) expressed its
concern about the devastating effects an 8.5 magnitude earthquake can
have if it happens in a mega-city such as Jakarta.
Tsunamis in Indonesia
A submarine earthquake or volcanic
eruption in the ocean can cause a tsunami water wave which can have
devastating effects on the people and objects near the sea. In 2004 a
large part of the world was rocked by the Indian Ocean earthquake and
subsequent tsunami, killing over 167,000 people in Indonesia (mainly
Aceh) alone. Although a massive tsunami such as the 2004 tsunami is
rare, the Sumatra region is often startled by offshore earthquakes that
can potentially trigger a tsunami. With the 2004 tsunami still fresh in
mind, the level of fear is high. Often Indonesians who live in villages
or cities close to the coast, flee to the hills (located more inland)
after an earthquake has taken place. On average, once every five years a
large tsunami happens in Indonesia, usually on the islands of Sumatra
and Java. Generally, damage to the infrastructure exceeds the loss of
lives. There are warning systems installed on many coastal areas but
there have been reports that not all are functioning properly.
Floods in Indonesia
Indonesia's rainy season (which runs
from December to March) can bring plenty of rainfall. In combination
with deforestation and waterways clogged with debris, it can cause
rivers to overflow and result in floods. Floods and landslides occur in
most parts of Indonesia and can cause hundreds of casualties, destroy
houses and other infrastructure, and ruin local businesses. Even in a
mega-city as Jakarta, floods occur regularly due to weak water
management. In January 2013, a large part of Jakarta was flooded,
affecting more than 100.000 households and resulting in the loss of
lives of more than 20 people.
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